Backend Framework - Django
Django was selected as the backend framework for its robust, scalable nature and its ability to handle complex web applications efficiently. Django's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) facilitates database operations, crucial for managing ROBO Logistics' extensive data on drivers, delivery schedules, and operations.

Frontend Framework - React
For the front-end, React was chosen for its flexibility and performance. React's component-based architecture allows for reusable code, making it ideal for the various functions required in the ROBO Logistics platform, from tracking deliveries to managing workforce schedules.

Admin Portal Features
Manage workforce user profiles and schedule
Ensure scheduled deliveries have sufficient drivers assigned
Dashboard for attendance tracking
Data Analytics Reporting

Workforce Portal
Dashboard to view schedule and delivery route
Time off request management

UI/UX Design
The custom UI/UX design for ROBO Logistics prioritizes simplicity and efficiency, aiming to streamline the daily operations for administrators and drivers.